Marching Health gives bands, drum corps, and indoor ensembles the tools to physically prepare for their season properly. They optimize members’ performance abilities by improving their movement skills and teaching them proactive health strategies.

COMING SOON: Marching Health + FloMarching Exclusive Workout Series, Fitness Guides, and More!
Jul 5, 2022
Marching Health gives bands, drum corps, and indoor ensembles the tools to physically prepare for their season properly. They optimize members’ performance abilities by improving their movement skills and teaching them proactive health strategies.
Coming this summer, FloMarching subscribers can have full access to exclusive content, workouts, and health guides from Marching Health - The worldwide leader in marching arts health and wellness.
The Back to Band workout is designed to prepare you specifically for the demands of marching and playing. This is a total-body workout and requires only equipment that you likely have at your house, and is designed to be completed three days a week with one or two days of rest between each workout.
The Couch to Corps workout is designed to prepare you to go from being a couch potato to looking like a drum corps veteran. This is a body-weight program and requires no equipment, and is designed to be completed three days a week with one or two rest days in between each workout. The workouts are total-body, meaning you will work most major muscle groups required for marching each time you workout.
Along with these two workouts, subscribers can look forward to exclusive Marching Health tips, videos, and exclusive access to the 15 Minute Marching Band Workout as well.
New workouts will be released every week this summer exclusively on FloMarching, so be sure to subscribe today to gain access to this exclusive content from Marching Health.