The Power of Music | Revisiting Carolina Crown's E=mc2 GE Music Judge Tape

The Power of Music | Revisiting Carolina Crown's E=mc2 GE Music Judge Tape

Revisiting Joe Allison's iconic General Effect Music judge tape of Carolina Crown's 2013 production "E=mc2" at DCI World Championship Prelims on Aug 8, 2013

Jan 12, 2024 by Natalie Shelton
The Power of Music | Revisiting Carolina Crown's E=mc2 GE Music Judge Tape

While new drum corps seasons come and go, one thing remains a constant: drum corps cannot be untethered from emotion.

Whether it's a soaring ballad bringing the audience to tears or a powerful opening impact propelling judges and fans to their feet, emotion is quintessential to the activity. That sentiment gets put center stage in Dr. Joe Allison's GE Music judge tape, where he evaluated Carolina Crown's Preliminary performance at DCI World Championships in 2013.

Throughout the judge tape, all the highs and lows a fan can experience were exemplified by Dr. Allison's comments; from explosive praise to literally moving him to tears, Dr. Joe Allison reminds us all what it's like to be impacted directly by music and fantastic storytelling.

Check out the video below to revisit Dr. Allison's iconic final General Effect Music judge tape.