WGI Winds Update: February 7

WGI Winds Update: February 7

Let's check in with WGI's newest division, Winds, for this week's Winds-day!

Feb 7, 2018 by Andy Schamma
WGI Winds Update: February 7

With 43 groups already registered for WGI Winds World Championships, the Nutter Center and UD Arena in Dayton, Ohio, better be ready for more winds groups than ever!

Although there were the same number of Independent World groups in 2017 and 2018 and Independent Open lost one group, the division still shows monumental growth, especially in the scholastic classes. WGI Winds has grown from 20 groups at the first Winds World Championships in 2015 to now more than twice that number registered for the 2018 championships in Dayton.

Scholastic A Class shows the most promise. The class started in 2015 with only six ensembles and has now skyrocketed to 14 groups registered for 2018. Scholastic Open follows closely behind with six additions since 2015, growing from three ensembles to nine. 

Number Of Participants At World Championships:

*number of groups signed up for 2018 WGI Winds World Championships

Chromium Winds Back For Year 2

Started by The Cavaliers organization, Chromium Winds is back for its second year after taking the gold home to Chicago in 2017. The group topped Independent Open with a score of 92.75, performing its show "Voices In My Head."

Although the group has not announced its 2018 production yet, it has plenty of photos worth checking out that reveal elements of the show. You can see the group staging around a somewhat large wooden stage with ramps up the sides in the image below.

You can catch Chromium's 2018 production live on FloMarching at the 2018 WGI Mid-East Regional in preliminary competition on March 24!

Stryke Wynds In The Lot

Although the first WGI Winds Regional isn't until February 17, many groups have competed at their local circuits to get judge feedback so that they can start taking strides in perfecting the show. 

Stryke Wynds gave fans an inside look into their lot warmup at the Florida Federation of Colorguards Circuit Winds Premiere Southeast on January 27. Check out their full warmup below!

Crossmen Winds 2018 Presents "Waves"

If you saw the headline, that's about all the information we have from the Crossmen so far. 

On Facebook, you can see that the 2018 Crossmen Winds member group, a closed group, has changed their banner photo to the 2018 show graphics. Staff members have reportedly been sharing the image across social media as well.