Marching Arts Forum To Live-Stream First Convention On FloMarching

Marching Arts Forum To Live-Stream First Convention On FloMarching

FloMarching announces new partnership with Marching Arts Forum to live-stream clinics from the top minds in the marching arts community.

Feb 27, 2017 by Michael Gilley
Marching Arts Forum To Live-Stream First Convention On FloMarching
FloMarching, in conjunction with the Marching Arts Forum, is thrilled to announce that it will be live-streaming the first annual Marching Arts Forum Convention at the Timber Creek High School on May 5-7, 2017.

The clinic will begin on Friday, May 5, by showcasing an early marching band rehearsal of Ronald Reagan High School from San Antonio, Texas. This will serve as a beginning foundation for the rest of the weekend. The live stream will feature a multi-camera production designed to enhance the viewers' experience and draw attention to MAF staff members' instructions during the rehearsal. 

On Saturday, May 6, the conference will resume at 1 PM with a panel of presenters, including Crossmen Drum & Bugle Corps staff, Joey Powell (James Bowie High School/Carolina Crown), William Pitts (Beyond Marching & Music Design/Phantom Regiment), Jana Harvey (Flower Mound High School), and Brent Biskup (Flower Mound High School). The presentation topics will range from how to implement a basic technique program at your school to developing a color guard program to designing a curriculum for a marching band.

"I could not be more excited about this opportunity to team up with the Marching Arts Forum," said Wesley Sullivan, Senior Rights Acquisition Manager for FloMarching. "MAF's commitment to spreading education about all aspects of the marching arts is exactly what we look to do at FloMarching as well. This seems to be a match made in heaven, and we are excited to get moving on this partnership!" 

The Marching Art Forum Convention presented by FloMarching is the perfect opportunity for college students, band teachers, or high school students who are considering a major of music education to learn from some of the best minds in the field. Casual marching arts fans are also encouraged to attend. The structure of the clinic will highlight a holistic approach to teaching -- putting equal value on music and visual topics. The staff at MAF is hard at work completing the panel, and the full schedule of clinicians will be posted as soon as that information is finalized. 

"The Marching Arts Forum has worked to serve the marching arts community for three years now, and I am so excited to spread it even further with FloMarching," said MAF Co-Founder Hunter Bown. "We hope to serve the music education community by framing the upcoming marching season in an educational light all while providing the best instruction possible."



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